
A new way to track activity of kids via school institutes.

Kid Patrol is an app for teachers and parents to track their toddlers' activities. We've designed this service to be a one-stop shop for all things related to toddlers . Parents can use the app to track their child's progress and see what they are learning.


About Kid Patrol

Kid Patrol app is a school-based app that can be used by teachers and parents to keep an eye on the progress of their toddlers. Our mission is to create an app that makes it easy for teachers to put everything they need to know about toddlers (activities, tasks, progress) in one place so parents can easily track and see what their child is up to.


Activity updates

Convey messages to parents regarding the kid’s food, nap, and diaper change times. With just a few clicks, keep parents well informed about their kid’s time-to-time activities.


Interactive Communication

Kid Patrol enables teachers to send personalized messages and notifications to parents. Whether it's a reminder about upcoming events, a request for supplies which is required for the toddlers like milk bottle diapers, etc.


Transparent Activity Logs

Our platform allows parents to stay informed about the daily activities and routines of their toddlers. From nap times and meals to playtime and learning experiences, you'll have a detailed account of your child's day at school.


Customizable Invoices

Our platform provides schools with the flexibility to customize invoices according to their branding and requirements. Add your school logo, contact details, payment instructions, and any additional information relevant to the billing process. Parents can easily access the invoice through their Kid Patrol account.

Kid Patrol Features

At Kid Patrol, we understand the importance of staying connected and involved in your child's growth and development journey. Our innovative platform offers a range of features designed to foster seamless communication and collaboration between parents and teachers, ensuring the best possible outcomes for your little ones.

App Screenshots

Stay connected and informed with our user-friendly app designed to enhance your child's educational journey. With the Kid Patrol app, you'll have access to a wide range of features and functionalities that keep you engaged and up-to-date with your child's progress.


What Our Clients Say...
